Sri Lankan Female Migrant Workers’ community with over 200 attendees!
It was a meaningful Sunday for the SLBA, as we celebrated our Sri Lankan Female Migrant Workers’ community with over 200 attendees!
It takes the involvement of many like minded people to make events like this possible and our special thanks goes to:
⭐ Mr. Nipuna Thibbutumunuwa for his invaluable support alongside his colleagues from the Employment & Labour Welfare division of the Sri Lanka High Commission and all members of the High Commission who attended, including H.E. Mr Senarath Dissanayake, High Commissioner of Sri Lanka to Singapore, Mr Ahamed Razee (former Acting High Commissioner) and Mr. Yasantha Yaddehi (Minister (Commercial).
⭐ Our supporting agencies and partners including the Foreign Domestic Worker Association (FAST), Centre for Domestic Employees (CDE), Aidha , HOME, Association of Employment Agencies Singapore (AEAS) and Dr Tashiya Mirando who helped pack the agenda with invaluable information and resources.
⭐ The wonderful SLBA community of Anushika Bhana ACMA, Manisha ABAYAWARDANA, Angelo Perera, Dr. Lal Gunasinghe, Samanthi Dias, Minoli Almeida and our many generous sponsors for their invaluable support and involvement.
Watch this space as we continue to share more this week about our Outreach event!
SLBAhashtag Socialmobility hashtag BuildingCommunities hashtag Education hashtag CommunityEngagement hashtag ImpactfulEvents hashtag Equalaccess